Hunger Games Simulator Storyline
Game 1: Villains
Part 4: Say Goodnight to the Bad Guy
Last Time: Freddy VS Jason 2, Needles
Kane goes in against a Sicilian when death is on the line, and the T1000 slays
a dragon.
Tributes Remain
The Cornucopia is replenished with food,
supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
President Snow was the first to reach
the feast. While he ate, his attention was drawn to an envelope nearby with his
name on it. Inside was a note from Alma Coin, reading “Remember who you’re
leaving behind.” Attached to it was a photograph that gave Snow pause. The
photograph was of his beloved granddaughter. Snow crumpled the note in his hand
and gently put the photograph in his pocket. He didn’t need a reminder of who
he was leaving behind.
T1000 gathers as
much food into a bag as it can before fleeing. Not that it needs food, of
course. This is so that the other tributes can’t have it.
Mileena and
Skeletor decide to work together to get more supplies. “I sure am glad to have
you working with me Mileena. I can carry twice as much now with your help!”
Skeletor said. “This partnership wasn’t such a bad idea after all.” Mileena had
to admit.
Amanda Waller
sobs while gripping a photo of her friends and family. She wasn’t normally one
for open expressions of emotion, but it was best to put on a show for the other
Xigbar stayed at a distance, scanning
the feast through his crosshairs. He saw Amanda Waller, and was tempted to pull
the trigger, but resisted the urge. She couldn’t suspect what he was up to yet.
Besides, he wanted that ring she had mentioned while radioing Dio, and she
would never tell him about it if he asked. The key was to find Dio, which was
easier said than done since he didn’t know who he was looking for. Eventually,
he saw someone skulking around the outskirts of the feast, wearing a black
containment suit. Curious, Xigbar zoomed in and saw a logo on the suit for
Cadmus Industries. This was Dio, and no mistake. Xigbar fired. The shot never
reached its target as Dio anticipated it, and threw a knife through it. Xigbar
vanished to avoid the knife, appearing before Dio.
“We both work for the big boss lady,
right? You have something that she wants. How about you hand it over so that I
can take it to her?” Xigbar asked.
Dio laughed. “It’s because of her gift
that I have been able to take part in these games more effectively. If you
think I’m going to let you betray her, then you are mistaken.”
Sensing that this meeting would become
violent, Dio made the first move. “ZA WARUDO!” Xigbar stopped still, frozen in
time. “Toki wo tomare.” Dio then threw volleys of knives all around Xigbar that
stopped just short of him. Satisfied, Dio clicked his fingers and said “Soshite,
toki ga ugoki desu.” Time started to move again, and Dio’s knives shot through
a puff of darkness where Xigbar had previously stood. Dio chuckled softly to
“I’m surprised that was so easy. I would
expect someone Amanda took an interest in to put up more of a fight.”
As Dio turned away, a bolt of plasma
from Xigbar’s bowgun shot past Dio, grazing the containment suit’s cheek.
“As if. That’s not the end of it.
Control over time means nothing to a guy like me who can control space.”
Dio growled. “Is that so? I’ll just have
to stop toying with you then!”
Dio turned to face Xigbar, and as he
did, his Stand, The World, manifested itself, landing a hefty sucker punch to
Xigbar’s stomach. Another punch knocked him to the ground while Dio
disappeared. When Dio reappeared, Xigbar could barely believe his eyes. Dio was
falling from the air, holding in his hands the remains of the Sweet Tooth van, which
he had fished out of the lake it had crashed into the previous night.
“Here’s Sweet Tooth!”
Dio smashed the van down on where Xigbar
had been lying, and along with his Stand, pummelled the van’s roof to crush
Xigbar under the vehicle’s weight.
Dio’s assault came to an end when he
felt a sharp pain in his left leg. Worse, the leg started to burn. Dio screamed
in pain. Xigbar grinned, juggling a hatchet he had gotten from inside the van
while Dio was occupied.
“What part of “Control over time means
nothing to a guy like me” didn’t you get? Stopping time won’t stop me from
disappearing and reappearing at will, and if ruining that suit of yours is what
it takes to get that through your brain, then that’s what I’ll do.”
used Dio’s knives to cut more gashes into the containment suit, letting in more
sunlight and burning Dio more. For the final blow, he smashed the hatchet into
the visor of Dio’s suit. With one last screech, Dio Brando crumbled into ashes.
Inside the suit, Xigbar found what he
was looking for.
“It’s no Keyblade, but it’ll do. Now to
find Waller and give her my resignation notice.” Xigbar said as he put on the
Millenium Ring.
Doctor Nefarious could feel the effects
of Dio’s assault on him the previous day. Water droplets from when he was
frozen had leaked into his circuits and were causing him to rust and
“How am I supposed to repair myself on
this squishy infested planet? LAWREEEEEEEEENCE!”
“You called sir?” The robotic butler
teleported into the arena in response to his employer’s screaming, only to find
that he had started playing another episode of Lance and Janice.
“Janet, on that night 12 years ago when
we met on the frost planet Hoven, you were in fact with my evil twin brother
“But Lance, I never went to Hoven
either! That was my evil twin sister Angela!”
Lawrence had no idea why his master
enjoyed this show so much, but it did make it easier for him whenever he needed
to hit him around the head. However, on
this occasion, Lawrence was a bit too rough, and knocked Nefarious’ head clean
“Tempting though it is to leave him like
this, I guess I should repair him. He pays me good bolts after all, and the job
market isn’t what it used to be.”
Lawrence teleported away, taking the
pieces of Doctor Nefarious with him to begin the repair process.
Amanda Waller
receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. This could be useful for keeping
her task force in line.
President Snow had been thinking about
his role in the games. He had been able to stay out of trouble for the most
part, and made some allies in the arena. Admittedly, Bakura and Alduin had
disappointed despite their early promise, and although Amanda Waller was certainly
influential and ruthless, he did not trust her fully. As the number of tributes
dwindled, the time would come when Snow would not be able to rely on others for
help and would have to take action himself. Fortunately, the perfect
opportunity presented itself.
“Mileena? Mileena? Where are you? Answer
me, woman!” Skeletor was wandering around nearby, calling for help. Snow
approached him.
“Excuse me, I couldn’t help but overhear
you. Is there something I can help you with?”
“As a matter of fact, there is. My
partner Mileena has vanished, and I am unable to find her. She still has some
things of mine from the feast. Nyeh, I’m so mad right now!” Skeletor went back
to calling Mileena’s name.
“As a fellow tribute who has tried to
forge an alliance, you have my sympathies, Skeletor.” Snow mused. “There may be
strength in numbers early on, but as the games continue, you need to stop
relying on others. They want to win just as much as you do, and there can be
only one victor at the end of it all.” Without warning, Snow lunged forward and
snatched Skeletor’s staff from his hand.
“Nyeh? Give that back!” Skeletor drew
his sword.
“You will learn the hard way that the
only person you can rely on is yourself!” Snow shouted, as he blasted Skeletor
with a bolt of magical energy from his stolen staff.
“Nooooo!” Skeletor cried as he stiffened
in place, the cry continuing until he had fully turned to stone. Snow admired
the statue for a moment, then figured that he could better test his newfound
abilities on a prone target. With a wave
of the staff, the Skeletor statue floated into the air. Snow flicked the staff
to the side, and in response, the Skeletor statue slammed into the side of a
cliff and shattered. Snow put away the staff. He should keep this to
himself. It would be useful as an insurance policy. As he walked away, he
started to cough. Snow put this up to him being unused to the staff’s powerful
magic, thus affecting his body, but was unconcerned. This was nothing a bit of
practice couldn’t fix.
“There you are, Master. I’ve been
looking all over for you.” Mileena said as she saw Skeletor in the distance.
“Master? Ooh, yes. I like the sound of
that!” Skeletor turned to his henchwoman. “I think there may be a tribute
nearby, and I would like your help in ambushing them.”
“Once they’re dead, can I have their
flesh?” Mileena asked.
“If that is what you want, then yes!”
Skeletor pointed in the direction they were to go. “Ladies first.”
Had this been their first meeting,
Mileena might have been more suspicious, but they had been together long enough
now that she knew he wouldn’t betray her. Once Mileena had gone ahead,
Skeletor’s appearance shifted to the metallic form of the T1000, before it
began to follow her.
Xigbar receives a
potion from an unknown sponsor.
7 cannon shots can be heard in the
Ernie the Giant Chicken
District 5
Jason Voorhees
District 7
Needles Kane
District 10
Freddy Krueger
District 11
Dio Brando
District 3
Doctor Nefarious
District 1
District 6
T1000 receives a
hatchet. Specifically, the one Xigbar had used to kill Dio, not that the T1000
knew this. The blade had blunted and rusted. Since the T1000 could form blades
from its body, this hatchet was useless to it.
Xigbar receives another
potion from an unknown sponsor.
Mileena screams
for help. She had been lucky to escape the T1000’s ambush with her life, and
could only hope that Skeletor would hear her.
“Is something the matter?” President
Snow asked Amanda Waller, since he could tell she was stressed.
“I’ve been unable to make contact with
Dio. I fear that something may have happened to him.” Amanda replied.
“At this stage of the games, that is a
distinct possibility.” Snow said. “I realise that isn’t what you want to hear,
but there’s no use denying it.”
“At least I still have Xigbar.” Waller
conceded. “Even if he does get on my last nerve.”
The two tributes separated, with each
keeping secrets from the other. It wasn’t Dio that Amanda cared about, so much
as the ring she had ordered him to retrieve, and the likelihood that it had
fallen into enemy hands. Likewise, Snow didn’t care for the likely fate of Dio
either, and was relieved that he had succeeded in keeping Skeletor’s staff a
secret from Amanda for the time being. He couldn’t count on how long, however.
Information didn’t tend to stay secret for long when she was around.
Xigbar’s scheming was disrupted by the
sound of screaming, which he reluctantly went to investigate, and found a
heavily injured Mileena.
“Could you keep it down please? Some of
us are trying to think here!”
“Where is Skeletor? I need his help!”
Mileena wailed.
Xigbar rolled his eyes.
“I’ve got a spare potion here, so if
it’ll shut you up, you can have it.” Xigbar handed Mileena the potion, which
she hastily gulped down. As soon as it touched her lips, she was good as new.
Her bleeding stopped, and her injuries healed themselves.
“Thank you for that potion.” Mileena
said as she got up. “However, there is another thing you can offer me.”
“What’s that?” Xigbar asked uneasily,
suspecting he knew the answer.

Her momentum knocked him down, and he
was struggling to push her mouth away from his neck, when the Millenium Ring
around Xigbar’s neck started to glow. The ring pulsated with energy that threw
Mileena off of Xigbar, then summoned a magical circle around Mileena, trapping
her in place. Seizing the opportunity, Xigbar ran around the circle, firing
dozens of blasts from his boltguns that stopped at the edge of the circle. Though
Mileena tried to break free, her struggling strengthened the magic of the Ring.
He then stopped in front of Mileena to charge a more powerful bolt. The circle faded away, and all of the
smaller bolts shot towards Mileena, skewering her from every direction. As this
happened, the power bolt finished charging. Xigbar fired. The force of the bolt
carried the weakened Mileena off her feet and saw her impaled on a sharp tree
branch. To add insult to injury, Xigbar dug out the other potion, and poured it
onto the ground, ensuring that the last thing she saw before her death was
another chance to heal her being squandered.
“Looks like I win.” Xigbar smirked.
President Snow
tries to sleep through the entire day.
Amanda Waller
constructs a shack.
The information the T1000 had gained
from scanning the other tributes would certainly prove useful to its master,
Alma Coin. In its databanks, it had been able to record intelligence on the
machinations of President Snow and, more pertinently for Coin, Amanda Waller.
The information on other tributes could be useful as training data for the
Capitol’s armed forces. The information would need to be uploaded to a central
computer, and to do that, the T1000 would need to leave the arena. Using the
data it had scanned from Sundowner during his short time in the games, the
T1000 located the edge of the arena. To avoid a repeat of Sundowner’s escape
attempt, a lava moat had been dug around the arena wall, but that posed no
problem to the T1000 as it was easily able to get across with a running jump
and hook onto the wall, before beginning its climb out. As it went, a beeping
noise began to sound from inside the T1000’s chest, accompanied by an
increasing heat signature. Too late to stop it, the T1000 realised that a bomb
had been implanted inside it’s chest at some point in the games. Whoever was
responsible had accounted for its regenerative abilities, and placed the bomb
in an area that would highly inconvenience the robot, and waited for the ideal
moment to detonate it. Only one tribute could fit the bill, and she was one the
T1000 had been most suspicious of, but even so, it wasn’t enough. The bomb exploded, tearing the T1000’s
chest apart, and severing its arms from the rest of its body. Before it could
regenerate, it fell into the lava moat, the data it had recorded for Coin
destroyed along with its carrier.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the
District 4
District 9
President Snow
thinks about winning. He suspected that anyone not part of his coup would be
dead by now. Once he’d had a good night’s sleep, he would find Amanda, and they
could put their plan into action.
Amanda Waller called into her radio.
“Xigbar, you haven’t been doing a very
good job of being my bodyguard these last few days. While you’ve been gone, my
other agents have all died, which means I am now at greater risk. I want you to
be by my side at all times from now on. Am I clear?”
Waller heard the telltale sound of
Xigbar’s portal appearing behind her, though she didn’t turn around to watch
him pull his weapon on her.
“It’s not the most polite way to go
about it, but what can you do?” Xigbar sneered.
“I suspected that these two events were
connected.” Amanda sighed. “You really shouldn’t have betrayed me.”
bowgun clicked as a plasma bolt loaded itself, but before he could fire, Amanda
reached into her pocket and pressed the switch she kept on her person for such
a situation as this. The bomb implanted in all Task Force X members upon their
recruitment detonated, blowing up Xigbar’s head, and the rest of his body faded
into darkness.
“Better late than never, I suppose.”
Waller picked up her prize, the Millenium Ring, from the ground and put it on.
Now it was only her and Snow left. She would meet him tomorrow.
The final two tributes, President Snow
and Amanda Waller, met at the Cornucopia to discuss their next move.
“Good morning Amanda. Who else are we
waiting for?”
“I’m afraid there is nobody else.”
Amanda answered. “There was a traitor in my ranks, but I have dealt with him
“I must admit I’m surprised. Your
vetting process is usually more thorough than this.”
“Usually, my resources aren’t nearly as
restricted.” Waller said, trying to remain calm, but letting a flash of anger
into her voice momentarily. A glow came from her chest for that second, which
Snow noticed.
“Wait a minute. I recognise that shape.
It’s the ring Bakura wore! What are you doing with it?”
Waller instinctively moved a hand to her
chest to press the ring down, despite the futility of this action. “That’s
rather hypocritical coming from you, Coriolanus. After all, you took Skeletor’s
staff.” Snow winced, but she continued. “I noticed it when we last met, even if
I didn’t show it.”
“I knew I couldn’t trust you!” Snow
shouted, and in his rage he jabbed the staff towards Amanda firing a barrage of
lightning from its tip. In response, Amanda pulled the Millenium Ring from
under her shirt. The dangling point at the bottom of the ring rose to face the
staff and fired a laser that collided with Snow’s lightning bolt. The two were
locked in a stalemate, both learning their newly gained magical powers. Two more
points on the ring rose up, followed by the remaining two to form four lasers
that converged with the first laser to form a more powerful laser. Snow was
struggling to hold it off, having to hold the staff in both hands to keep it
steady. Even this wasn’t enough, and the staff started to judder under the
force of the Millenium Ring’s magic. The power became too much for Snow’s ill
body, and he started coughing from the exertion. This moment of unsteadiness
caused him to lose the duel, and before he could recover, the laser overpowered
his lightning and blasted him backwards into one of the Cornucopia’s stone
pillars. His back in severe pain from the impact, Snow took a great deal of
effort to attempt to get up, but he was too slow. Amanda strode up to Snow,
straddled his body and started to choke him with a wire.
“What are you doing?” He croaked. “Coin
put you here too! Don’t you want my help to punish her?”
“As a matter of fact, I don’t. I said
Coin was the reason I was here, but I never said she made me compete against my
will. That’s what I wanted you to think, so I lead you to that conclusion.”
“I can’t fail now!” Snow gasped. “We… I…
I’ve come too far… I can’t… fail… here…”
elderly, frail Snow was unable to get the stoutly built Waller off him, and he
breathed his last, cursing her as she tightened the wire until she broke his
2 cannon shots can be heard in the
District 6
President Snow
District 12
The winner is Amanda Waller from
District 11!
Once she was sure he would not pose her
any threat, Waller got off Snow’s body. She could barely hear her radio crackle
into action over the roar of the crowd, so it took her a few seconds to answer.
“Mission complete. Well done Amanda!”
Alma Coin congratulated Amanda. “I was getting worried near the end there, but
having Snow be the final tribute to die is simply perfect! Did you plan that
all along?”
“Not from the start, though his
continued survival did work in my favour as the games progressed.”
“I was observing some of the games
myself, and I noticed the magic of the Millennium Ring, which you have in your
possession. I would like you to give it to me upon your return.”
“Understood.” Amanda shut off the radio
and put it away. She continued to herself. “However, I don’t intend on letting
you keep it, Alma. The Ring is mine, and the staff too.” The Ring’s dangling
points rose to indicate the direction in which Skeletor’s staff had been thrown
once Snow had lost control over it. “With their power under my command, I think
I’m owed a promotion…”