Tuesday, 27 May 2014


Greetings true believers! Welcome to the MARVELous Movie Blog.

Love ‘em or loathe ‘em, there are an awful lot of superhero movies coming out nowadays. The Marvel Cinematic Universe in particular has become quite the juggernaut in recent years.

See what I did there? It is funny because there is a Marvel character called Juggernaut and… never mind, moving on. Anyone who dislikes bad attempts at humour should consider that a red flag.

For this blog, I will be watching the Marvel movies and providing my thoughts on each film. However, I will not be restricting myself to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I will also be watching unaffiliated films, such as the X-Men and Spider-Man films.

I will be starting from the late 1990s and moving onwards to the present day. I know there are a few films from before then, (e.g. 90s Fantastic Four and the made-for-TV Captain America movies), but I will be skipping them because they’re quite different to modern films and very obscure. Also, they’re generally pretty terrible. Howard the Duck, anyone?

That’s the ground rules laid down, so without further ado, it’s Mahvel Baybee!

Starting With: Marvel take a bite out of the box office.

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