Wednesday 3 February 2016

Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged Season 1

Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged Season 1

Final Fantasy VII was the game that single-handedly popularised JRPGs in the West, thanks to having 3D graphics that were hugely impressive in 1997 and a major marketing campaign behind it for the first time. The game’s impact can still be felt today, and the main hero and villain Cloud and Sephiroth are gaming royalty (the former was deemed iconic enough to be included in Super Smash Bros. despite being primarily a Playstation character whose Nintendo appearances are restricted to the occasional cameo in crossovers where he isn’t the focus.) 

This was enough...

 ... to make this happen.

(Silently crying in the corner intensifies.)

Naturally, when Team Four Star, creators of the popular Youtube series Dragonball Z Abridged and Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, announced that Final Fantasy VII would be the subject of their next series, there was excitement. Given that Dragonball Z Abridged has evolved from the basic but fun parody it started as to an unofficial alternative dub, and Hellsing was treated as an alternate dub from the start, Final Fantasy VII was looking to get a redo that wasn’t full of poorly translated Engrish. Unfortunately, the series got off to a rough start.

Then the PS4 remake was announced so we’re getting a redone script that isn’t full of poorly translated Engrish either way. Speaking of that, let’s watch Matthew McConaughey watch the trailer.

In a departure from the other Team Four Star series, this series has their contributions mainly on the technical side rather than the performance side. The series is written by members Takahata101 and Antfish and edited by MasakoX, while the cast consists mostly of a who’s who of E-celebrities and up-and-coming voice actors from anime dubbing house Funimation, with the notable exceptions being Taka as the voice of Red XIII and Antfish as Barret. Antfish was a replacement for another actor who pulled out at the last minute, and he does a good job, as Barret is one of the funnier characters on the show thanks to his intense-but-not-quite-shouting delivery which means most of his lines raise a chuckle even if the jokes themselves miss the mark. Other members of the team have currently minor roles as some of the Shinra executives, though Lanipator as Reeve is guaranteed a bigger role in Season 2 and beyond as Reeve becomes more prominent later. On one hand, it’s impressive to see how far Team Four Star have come to be able to get all of these other internet famous people to contribute, but on the other hand, it does feel like it’s less their show and more something that has their name on it for promotional purposes, even though that isn’t the case.

Disappointingly, many of the characters in the series aren’t particularly original or likeable. Cloud switches as needed for the scene between sarcastic audience surrogate straight man (like in every other Final Fantasy VII parody ever) to a whiny wimp that the universe conspires to screw over at every opportunity, yet remains unsympathetic despite this (like the protagonist of an Adam Sandler movie, minus the wish fulfilment on Adam Sandler’s part.) As entertaining as he can be, Barret is just the stock angry black guy turned up to 11 (he was already at about 9 in the game.) Red XIII’s portrayal as dumb but loveable is entertaining enough and a far cry from his usual portrayal of wise but with moments of naïvety and bitterness, but he suffers from not being introduced until near the end of episode 9 and therefore getting little screen time in comparison to everyone else. Aerith is the best of the group, as she is portrayed as naïve, air-headed and eccentric, but pleasant to be around nevertheless. Unlike Red, she also has the advantage of being introduced soon enough that she gets a decent amount of screen time, debuting in episode 4. The worst of the bunch is undoubtedly Tifa. She is an abusive, vulgar, violent woman who screams obscenities and loses her temper at the drop of a hat, blackmails Cloud into joining Avalanche and threatens to rape him several times. (Maybe the writers ship Cloud with Aerith, which is why they made Tifa look bad.) The end of episode 10 implies that she behaves this way due to severe psychological issues over traumatic memories, but after an entire season of superbitch Tifa, it’s too little too late. Minor characters range from hilarious (Palmer, the Church of Brodin, Don Corneo’s receptionist voiced by Kirito from Sword Art Online Abridged, which you should be watching right now if you’re not. Seriously, it’s brilliant, and I say this as someone who doesn’t particularly care for Sword Art Online. I’ll wait here for you to get back), funny for a bit but their joke gets old fast (Aerith’s pothead mum, Marlene) and not funny at all (Jessie, Hojo.)

Come to think of it, most of the characters are bad people in general. Aerith and Red XIII are the only characters that could be possibly described as good, and even they have a bitchy streak towards Tifa (both, although Tifa definitely deserves it) and casual racist moments (Red, who nicknames Barret Black. Barret gives him a pass because he’s always wanted a talking dog ever since he was a little boy.) The off-colour humour doesn’t work as well here as it does in Hellsing Abridged, where the source material is already pitch-black in tone, involving as it does a three-way rumble between British vampires, Zombie Nazis, and demon hunters in the employ of the Catholic Church. The more light-hearted, whimsical and less vulgar for the most part tone of Dragonball Z Abridged would have been a more appropriate fit for this series.

For an abridged series, Machinabridged doesn’t feel very abridged. The first season consists of ten 10-15 minute episodes, covering from the start of the game to the escape from the Shinra Building. This covers about a third of the game’s first disc out of three (though it should be noted the majority of the third disc is dedicated to optional content and exploration, with the only story content being the final dungeon.) This may not be so bad to a new viewer, and considering that a number of Team Four Star’s viewers watch Dragonball Z Abridged without familiarity of the source material, there could well be a number of viewers who haven’t played the game, but I have and I know that there is still a very long way to go, which makes me wonder how long the series will last before reaching the end of the game. It doesn’t help that the pacing slows down in places that seem unnecessary. Episode 2 is mostly Cloud’s trek back to base after the first mission, which could have been condensed to a single scene or removed entirely, while the infamous crossdressing arc gets two entire episodes dedicated to it. By comparison, CloudStrife8’s series, Final Fantasy VII Abridged, covered the same material as Machinabridged’s entire first season in four episodes. By episode 10, the series had reached Rocket Town, which is near the end of disc 1. The series finished upon reaching the end of the game at episode 19.

On the other hand, the slower pace does have some advantages to it. The first season covers the events in Midgar, the opening area of the game, with the rest of the world opening up for exploration once the party leaves Midgar. With that in mind, leaving Midgar is a good place for the season to leave off. This treatment is also very beneficial to the character of President Shinra. In the game, he’s the first antagonist, who is killed off a few hours into the game in favour of Sephiroth and then never mentioned again once his son Rufus takes over the Shinra Corporation immediately following the President’s death. Here, he’s the main antagonist of the first season as opposed to a starter villain who serves as a warm-up before the real villain is introduced, and leaves a lot more of an impact because of this. Credit also goes to his voice actor, Graham Stark, whose performance nails the sophisticated malice archetype. The scene where he gloats over the destruction of the Sector 7 slum at the end of episode 7 is particularly well done, as that event was glossed over very quickly in the game, but Team Four Star dwell on it a bit more, which helps convey the severity of Shinra’s crime.

The production values are very high for a free internet series, but that aside, this show is easily the weakest of Team Four Star’s three ongoing series, and I’m currently unsure whether or not I’ll be sticking around for Season 2. I don’t enjoy putting the boot in like this, because it’s clear that a lot of effort went into the show, and Team Four Star’s other two shows are great and come highly recommended, but this just did too many things I disliked for me to ignore them. For those interested, I would instead recommend Final Fantasy VII Abridged by CloudStrife8. The production values are lower, and you will hate how irritating and twee the opening theme is until it worms into your brain and becomes catchy and charming, but I prefer it to Machinabridged in almost every other respect.


Funny Quotes Collection Time! (In rough order of when they happen in the season.)

Cloud: Those are squalls. Nobody likes those.
Because Final Fantasy XIII was just too easy a target to fire shots at, and it’s been done a million times already. It’s almost as overdone as the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.

             Cloud: You know anyone who wants to play pinball can get down here, right?
        Biggs: Yeah, that’s how Wedge joined.
        Wedge: I saw too much
        Tifa: Cloud, stop being a pussy and come blow up private property with us.
        Cloud: You say that so casually.
              Cloud: Hey Tifa, could you do me a solid and GO FUCK YOURSELF!
·       Cloud: Aerith, it would appear that Tifa has been kidnapped by a mob boss who intends 
                 to give her the sex.
     Aerith: Oh no! She shouldn’t do that until she’s married!
     The Who’s On First? bit between Cloud and Barret when Cloud is trapped in a magic          pyramid spell.
·       All of the conservation on Palmer’s spending in the Division for Cool Space Stuff, and Heidegger’s assault charges.

Red XIII: Do not listen to the boob lady! She seems disrespectful.
Cloud: I like this guy.

 Red XIII: (Upon finding a room full of dead soldiers) Scouting report: Where do I begin?

 Tifa: Aerith, honey. Could you do me a solid and let the adult handle this?
Aerith: Okay. You do look much older than me anyway.

·         Rufus Shinra: I’m no son of a bitch, I’m the heir to a bastard!

·         Red XIII: I’m going to miss this place. I had an enormous amount of sex here.

·         Barret and Red XIII’s stunned reactions to Cloud finally standing up for himself against Tifa at the end of Episode 10.

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