Monday 15 August 2016

Hunger Games Simulator Storyline 1-3: Every Villain is Lemons

Hunger Games Simulator Storyline
Game 1: Villains
Part 3: Every Villain is Lemons

Last Time: The tributes weren’t ready for Dr Facilier’s Friends on the Other Side, Extreme Makeover: Kefka Edition, and Doctor Doom is the smartest tribute in the games.

Night 2

·         Jason Voorhees looks at the night sky.


Skeletor had gotten lucky against Freeza earlier, but he had still been taken by surprise. He could not allow this to happen again. Since then, Skeletor had been much more vigilant, and had his Havoc Staff on hand at all times. On this occasion, he had used the staff’s magic to detect the nearest tribute, and the unlucky competitor was Mileena. Skeletor had snuck up on her, and was prepared to unleash a bolt of lightning from his staff, when she turned around and threw her sai at him. They came at such speed that Skeletor would not have enough time to conjure up a shield, so he dived out of the way, and the sai stuck into a tree.
“Excellent!” Skeletor cried. “Now you are defenceless!”
“You wish.” Mileena said, rolling up into a ball and bowling into Skeletor. He was sent tumbling to the ground, giving her the opportunity to retrieve her sai while he got back up. Mileena then stabbed and slashed at Skeletor using her sai, while he parried her blows with a sword in one hand and his staff in the other. Mileena’s relentless assault proved to be her undoing, as her hasty attacks became increasingly sloppy, until Skeletor was able to disarm her in one hand. The moment she spent reacting to this gave Skeletor the opportunity to blast her with a magical bolt from his staff. The blast left Mileena weakened, and she swayed in place as Skeletor approached. The crowds watching the games at home saw this broadcast on their televisions and were getting excited.
Skeletor was now stood directly in front of Mileena. He prepared his staff. She was sure this was the end… but then she felt a healing energy fill her body.
“Nyeh! Your skills are most impressive! If only my henchmen in Eternia were as competent as you! How would you like to work for me as one of my underlings?” Skeletor offered her his hand.
“If the alternative is death, then I’m sure we can come to an agreement. There’ll be the possibility of flesh this way too. I accept.” Mileena took Skeletor’s hand and shook it.
“Nyeh! This shall be the start of a beautiful friendship!”
The crowd was not happy with this peaceful resolution.
“Friendship? Again?”
“We came for blood!”


·         Ernie the Giant Chicken, Xigbar, Amanda Waller, and Doctor Nefarious tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. Waller takes an interest in Xigbar and decides to keep an eye on him. He might prove to be useful.


“We shall stop here. We won’t be disturbed.” Vizzini and Wario were at the top of a hill where they could see across the arena for quite a distance. Behind them was a wooded area that could offer camouflage if necessary. Wario moved some boulders near a tree stump for he and Vizzini to discuss the earlier events, while Vizzini poured some wine he had been able to salvage from the camp for them. Once the preparations were made, Vizzini and Wario sat, with Vizzini beginning the conversation.
“You said earlier that you knew who was responsible for the attack on my campsite. Please give me names.”
“I don’t know their names…” Wario began, and Vizzini immediately frowned “…but I can describe them.” He hastily added, sensing that Vizzini’s patience was running short.
“Go on then!”
“There were two clowns. One of them was dressed like a court jester, and the other had flames on his head and wore a mask. There was also a guy wearing a helmet, and a big black creature with a long tongue. The jester was the one giving the orders.”
“Yes, I think I recognize some of them.” Vizzini said. “The monster sounds like the one they call Venom. The clowns are Kefka Palazzo and Needles Kane, and as for the last one… I must admit, I don’t have enough information to tell who they might be. Yes, there are some things I do not know. Inconceivable, I know! Nevertheless, I don’t think we should worry about them. You said Kefka was the leader, then he shall be our first target.”
“Is that really such a good idea?” Wario questioned. “I saw what he could do. He was the one who burned your camp to the ground.”
“My my, is that cowardice I detect, Wario? It simply means we’ll need to sneak up on him and put a knife in his back before he notices we’re there. He may have magical powers, but he’s not omnipotent.”
Wario wasn’t convinced and simply crossed his fingers that the monsters from earlier had gotten Kefka.
“We shall have some wine to remind us of what I lost in the attack, and then we’ll go after Kefka.” Vizzini said. He indicated to the drink he had poured for Wario while reaching for his own goblet. “Now, drink! But I should warn you, I have a… What is this?”
Vizzini was surprised and disappointed to find that Wario had downed his wine almost immediately.
“Sorry.” Wario belched. “Whenever I hear short instructions, I have to act on them immediately and don’t listen for more information.” On this occasion, he should have, as Wario clutched his stomach groaning in pain. “Urgh, I don’t feel so good…”
Vizzini quickly recovered from losing the opportunity to flaunt his intelligence in a battle of wits and explained what had happened.
“You thought I would work with you? Inconceivable! That’s quite a fanciful tale you spun, but you’re the one I saw at the campsite, not Kefka or Venom or anyone else!  If anyone was dishonest enough to attack an unguarded campsite, then it stands to reason that they would also be dishonest enough to lie about the deed afterwards! This is why I poisoned your wine. I would have normally used Iocane powder, in which case you would already be dead, but I had to improvise with the limited resources available to me.”
“It’s true, I swear!” Wario insisted.
“That doesn’t matter!” Vizzini snapped. “What does matter is that you’ve fallen victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is “Never get involved in a land war in Asia” but only slightly less well known is this: Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ahahaha ahahahahahaha!”
Vizzini’s laughter was abruptly stopped when a meat cleaver slammed into the back of his head with such force that it shattered part of his skull. Needles Kane put his boot on Vizzini’s back to offer leverage and pull his weapon out of Vizzini’s head. Meanwhile, Wario was watching this and trying to flee, but the poison meant he could do no more than unsteadily get to his feet.
“You ratted me out.” Needles started to advance on Wario menacingly.
“You’ve killed Vizzini, and I’m the only other person who saw what you did.” Wario bargained. “How about we leave each other alone and pretend this whole thing never happened, huh?”
Needles paused a moment. “I guess I could…” Wario got his hopes up “...but killing is too much fun for me, so prepare to bleed!”
“How about I sweeten the deal with a gift?” Wario reached into the pocket of his overalls, pulled out a bob-omb, and threw it at Needles. However, the poison was now affecting his depth perception, and the bob-omb fell several feet short of his target. “D’oh, I missed!” Wario cried, and started to stagger away before falling down. Needles noticed that in his haste, Wario had forgotten to light the bob-omb, so he held the fuse to his flaming head.
“Here you go!” Needles shouted, before thrusting the bob-omb into Wario’s hands, and kicking him away before he could react. The bob-omb exploded, blowing chunks of Wario over the hill in the process. Needles laughed. “I kill and destroy!”


·         T1000 screams for help.
·         Dio Brando, Maleficent, and President Snow discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.


The museum had closed to the public forthe night, but Luke Atmey’s work was only just beginning. The museum’s curator Miss Adrian Andrews had received a letter from the notorious cat burglar Masque DeMasque that he would come to the museum that night and steal the Sacred Urn of Kurain from the new Kurain Exhibit. Security had been increased, but Luke Atmey had ordered the guards to bring him Masque DeMasque. The thief could be apprehended by his greatest foe, the Ace Detective Luke Atmey, and nobody else. Luke was guarding the urn, cleaning his dual monocle / magnifying glass, when the alarms sounded.
“It seems Masque DeMasque has finally made his appearance. Zvarri!”
Luke headed outside, where he was greeted by the sight of two dead security guards. Their bodies were covered in slashes from claws of some kind. Surprisingly, Luke was unperturbed by this unexpected turn of events.
“A change to Masque DeMasque’s modus operandi? Curious. I shall examine this at once.”
Luke took the monocle from his face and used it to examine the bodies. An Ace Detective had to be thorough at all times. He then placed the monoclifying glass back to his face.
“Zvarri! The truth has once again been elegantly revealed to me! Masque DeMasque does not usually kill, yet tonight he has. This can only mean that he is getting desperate, knowing that I, Ace Detective Luke Atmey, am hot on his tail. Show yourself Masque DeMasque, and face justice!”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy. Just know that’s all you’re gonna be doing very soon!”  A voice called from the roof of the museum.
“Masque DeMasque, come down here at once! I command you to dancingly descend to me, so we can have our final confrontation.”
“First off, I don’t know what “Dancingly Descend” means, and second, I am not Masque DeMasque.” The thief came down from the roof, then took off his mask to reveal a horribly burned face.
“I’m Freddy Krueger, the Springwood Slasher!” Claws sprouted from the impostor Masque DeMasque’s right glove, which he used to tear through his disguise and uncover the familiar red and green striped sweater. Before Luke could arrest this criminal, Freddy slashed across Luke’s face. While he was trying to stem the flow of blood, Freddy knocked Luke to the ground, stabbing him with his clawed glove repeatedly. Luke could see the museum start to fade away, to be replaced by the arena of the Hunger Games. Alas, Freddy didn’t fade away with it, and Luke was losing too much blood. All he could do was bemoan his fate.
“Take a good look, everyone! Unable to find a rival worthy of my genius, I was forced to create one myself! Here I am! The tragic clown..."

Jagi was hiding deep in a dark cave, where nobody would see that he was crying. Not that it mattered, he thought. Nobody was scared of him, or saw him as a threat. No, it was all T1000 this and Dio Brando that. It wouldn’t hurt his status any if he was found in this state. Nobody was grateful to him whenever he tried to help. He tried to make Vizzini go after Kenshiro when they attacked Vizzini’s camp, but how did Kefka thank him? He didn’t. He sent Jagi away like an unwanted dog, shouting about how Jagi had tried to make sense out of destruction, and that destruction was only fun when it was senseless. Jagi threw off his helm to clear the tears from his eyes, and the helm made a metallic clanking noise as it collided with the shotgun Jagi had set down upon entering the cave and promptly forgotten about. Jagi tentatively picked up the weapon and took it with him to his corner. There was one bullet left. Perfect. Jagi spoke one word that none of the other tributes had said.
He then put the shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, the blast echoing loudly in the cave, yet from too deep inside to be heard by anyone else.

Day 3

·         Jason Voorhees makes a slingshot.
·         Freddy Krueger hunts for other tributes.


The suit Amanda Waller had given him had made a big difference for Dio in the arena. Previously, he would have had to hide during the day, but now he could pursue his enemies at all times without putting himself in danger. Of course, other tributes weren’t watching out for him during the day, such as Doctor Nefarious, who was completely unaware that Dio had been watching him. Dio decided to take advantage of this. From his hiding place, he fired a laser beam from his eyes. The blast shocked Nefarious, causing him to malfunction, and play the latest episode of his favourite soap opera, Lance and Janice.
“I’m afraid I have not been entirely truthful with you, Janice. I only married you for your money.”
“How could you do that, Lance?”
“It was on the orders of my Uncle Roland.”
“But Lance, Uncle Roland is the alias I use for Galactic Rangers sting operations!”
Dio was already sick of the show’s inanity, so he used his freezing touch on Nefarious, then punched him into the air with a devastating uppercut. Nefarious was in pretty bad shape now, but at least the soap opera had turned itself off. Nefarious grovelled at Dio’s feet.
 “I am defeated. I have no choice but to throw myself on your mercy!”
Dio laughed at how easily he had defeated Doctor Nefarious. He pulled out a knife to finish him off, but then his body started to move involuntarily. Dio moved his arms and one of his legs up and down, alternating the leg each time. No matter how hard he tried to resist, the Groovitron Doctor Nefarious had dropped behind him meant Dio was stuck doing the Thriller dance until the disco ball wore off.
“SUCKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!” Doctor Nefarious yelled behind him as he made his escape.


·         Xigbar tries to spear fish with a trident.
·         Mileena steals from Ernie the Giant Chicken while he isn't looking. Skeletor would be very pleased with this haul.
·         Needles Kane constructs a shack.


Through the T1000’s deception, Dingodile had been eliminated. There were other tributes who could potentially pose a threat to it, which is why the T1000 was currently scanning its databanks for information. It was distracted by a raven flying overhead and cawing loudly. The raven flew into the forest, so the T1000 tracked it. It kept up until the raven flew downwards, landing on the shoulder of its mistress.
“Well done, my pet. You have brought me a powerful tribute indeed.” Maleficent said to the Raven while stroking it. She then turned her attention to the T1000. “Now, I can empower you further to defeat the other tributes in this arena, if you are willing to work for me. I could remove your weaknesses.”
The T1000 didn’t respond. A beep indicated that the scan had now finished, and Maleficent was a threat. She had to die. Once the T1000 was within range, it wrapped its hands around her neck and began to choke her. Maleficent’s raven, which had flown up in shock, swooped down to peck and claw at the T1000’s face. To deal with the pest, it removed one hand from Maleficent’s neck, transforming it into a metal blade that skewered the bird. The death of her beloved raven gave the enraged Maleficent the strength to remove the T1000’S other hand, and the drive to tap into the depths of her magic.
Maleficent shrouded herself in green flames, driving the T1000 back. When they were extinguished, Maleficent had transformed into a large black dragon. The dragon kept the T1000 on the back foot with its jets of flame breath and stomping feet. Although the T1000’s speed was keeping it safe for now, it had to end the battle before Maleficent could land a lucky hit. It sprinted towards the dragon, darting from side to side to avoid its flames, until it reached a foot. Maleficent prepared another stomp, but the T1000 leapt and transformed its arm into a hook, digging into Maleficent’s scales. The dragon roared in pain as the T1000 climbed around to the dragon’s chest, stabbing its hooks into her when it moved. Upon reaching the dragon’s front, the T1000 kept one of the hooks in place, and transformed the other arm into a spike again, using it to discourage Maleficent from biting at him, until he got the chance to plunge the blade into the dragon’s heart. The T1000’s blade flew swift and sure: Maleficent’s evil had died, but the evil of Skynet would endure.

·         President Snow thinks about home.
·         Amanda Waller picks flowers.
·         Skeletor goes hunting.

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 5

District 7

Luke Atmey
District 12

District 9

District 2

Night 3

·         Doctor Nefarious stays awake all night watching a Secret Agent Clank marathon on SpaceFlix.
·         Skeletor receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.


President Snow thought he had found the perfect place to sleep for the night, as he could see a large organic structure which could serve as useful shade from the elements and camouflage so that he wasn’t out in the open. Once he got closer, he realized that the structure was a skeleton. A skeleton of that size could only belong to one tribute – Alduin. Snow felt a small object tinkle against his foot. When he bent over to pick it up, he recognized it as the Millenium Ring. Snow threw it into the trees in a rage. His allies had seemed so powerful when he first met them, but they had proven themselves to be useless! Snow calmed down when the knowledge that he wasn’t alone gave him something else to focus on.
“Ms Waller, please call off your attack dog.” He said without turning around to dignify his assailant by looking at them.
“You think I’m working for the Wall? As if!” Xigbar snorted derisively. “I’m in this for numero uno.”
“Stand down, Xigbar.” Amanda Waller ordered. “You’re not fooling him.”
Xigbar grumbled to himself, but did as he was told, though he kept his bows trained on Snow just in case.
“I know you work with convicts Amanda, but is this really the best scenario to conduct a recruitment drive?” President Snow asked.
“I have my reasons.” Waller said. “This will work itself out in the end.”
“I take it you have a plan.” Snow suggested.
“I do.” Waller confirmed. “I’m here because of Alma Coin, just like you. I propose we use these games against her. You and I can be the brains behind the muscle my other tributes provide.”
“Does that mean you think I’m dumb? If so, you’re mistaken.” Xigbar called out to defend his honour. Amanda and Snow ignored him.
“Very good. I had some allies of my own, but…” Snow gestured to Alduin’s skeleton and the trees into which he had thrown the Millennium Ring “They didn’t live up to their potential. I’ll let you handle selecting our conspirators, since you’re so good at ensuring loyalty in your colleagues. If you know what I mean.”
“I certainly do.” Waller reached into her pocket to feel the detonator she knew Snow was referencing. “I have a tribute scanning the arena in search of suitable candidates as we speak. A shapeshifter, so you won’t be able to recognize them. I have another one, who specialises in night-time operations. I will keep their identities on a need-to-know basis for the time being, but be careful who you battle.”
“Do I need to know?” Xigbar interrupted again. “I am your bodyguard, after all.”
“You’ve just answered your own question. That information is classified. For professional ears only, not the hired guns.” Waller answered.
“No biggie. I’ll just find out on my own terms.” Xigbar said under his breath, so that only he could hear.
“As your superior, I will expect a progress report soon.” Snow said.
“Of course.” Waller replied. “Come, Xigbar.”
“Be a good boy now!” Xigbar said to Snow mockingly as he followed on Waller’s heels. As she left, she spoke into her radio.
“Dio, President Snow has lost his allies. According to my intelligence, one of them had a magic ring. Find it for me.”


Since he’d had so much fun killing Luke Atmey the previous night, Freddy Krueger was looking out for some more sleeping tributes he could torment with his particular brand of nightmares .  He could see Lord Shen lying face down in the distance; a perfect target. However, Freddy got closer, someone else beat him to his target, preparing a fire and tossing the bird’s body onto it. Freddy got over his disappointment once he saw who it was.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t momma’s boy. Whaddya say we finish this once and for all?”
Being the strong silent type, Jason Voorhees didn’t answer vocally. Instead, he reached for his machete.
“All I needed to see.” Freddy laughed, then went on the attack. He lunged towards Jason, who swept his arm aside to knock Freddy away. Freddy’s quick claw attacks weren’t nearly as threatening to a foe who could defend himself as they were to Luke Atmey, and Jason wasn’t one to get scared, only angry. It was that anger that led Jason to smash his machete against a chain hanging from a nearby tree.
“Are you throwing a tantrum?” Freddy mocked. “Why don’t you run home to mommy?”
Jason watched as Freddy was caught in his sack trap. Jason smashed the sack against the floor several times before unceremoniously dumping it on the fire to cook.
“I’ve burned enough times already!” Freddy’s muffled shout came from inside the sack, and he tore out with a spin that also knocked Jason’s machete out of his hand. The machete went spinning right into the path of the Giant Chicken, who was able to duck just in time to avoid it. He glared in the direction of the commotion, and it was clear that he was not happy.

Without his weapon Jason was starting to be overwhelmed by Freddy, who started pushing him towards the fire. Freddy felt the need to gloat at the prospect of defeating his greatest rival.
“When you see her, tell Mrs Voorhees she was the best fuck I ever had!”
Jason growled with anger at his mother being insulted, but he wasn’t the one who knocked Freddy away. That was the Giant Chicken, leaping towards him with Jason’s machete in a double handed strike. Freddy dodged to the side, but not quickly enough to avoid having his hand cut off. He wasn’t worried though, as it took on a life of its own, crawling around and digging its claws into the Chicken’s flesh. Jason took the opportunity to take his machete back from the chicken and focus on Freddy again. The Chicken now had to find another weapon. The glint of the severed chain glowing in the firelight would do just fine. He set off in pursuit of the rivals.

Needles Kane had spent the day searching for Kefka and his lackeys, but had no luck. With the number of remaining tributes decreasing, he took this to mean that they were all dead. He felt that this justified a reward of a frozen treat from his van, which he was currently admiring. In his old life as Marcus Kane the ice cream man, he made the best ice cream around, and he still liked to savour it today.
“Such sweet, cool perfection. A round ball of heaven perched on a delicate cone. So pleasing to the senses. Who doesn’t love an ice cream cone?”
Sadly, Needles never got to enjoy his prize, as Freddy Krueger bumped into him, knocking the ice cream out of his hand. He was soon followed by Jason Voorhees, carelessly trampling it underfoot. The Giant Chicken brought up the rear, squawking and swinging his chain, smashing it into Needles’ face and knocking him down. He stared at his ruined ice cream in disbelief.
“I worked real hard on that ice cream, real hard. One way or another, they’re gonna pay for it.”
Needles climbed into his van, gunned the engine and joined the chase.

The Giant Chicken was the first to notice the ice cream truck coming behind them. The squawk as Needles ran him over caught the attention of Freddy and Jason, who were themselves hit by Needles soon afterwards.
“You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream!” Needles sang, his cheer inappropriate for what he was currently doing. None of his targets were killed by him, with Freddy and Jason using their weapons to hang onto the sides of the vehicle, while the Giant Chicken had wrapped its chain to the van’s exhaust and was being dragged behind it as he pulled himself onto the van. Freddy clambered around to the front, blocking Needles’ vision.
“I’d like vanilla with chocolate sprinkles and your head on a plate!” Freddy shouted as he burst through the windscreen and attacked Needles while he was driving. Meanwhile, Jason and the Chicken were having a battle of their own on the roof of the van. The Chicken’s chain was being used to drag the two tributes together, and though the Chicken tried to keep the van’s decorative clown head between him and Jason, he did suffer some nasty blows from Jason’s machete in the process. In the driver’s seat, the scuffle between Freddy and Needles saw the steering wheel being jerked around constantly, and the van swerving over the forest in the process, making it difficult for Jason and the Chicken to keep their balance. Their weight pressing to one side, combined with the swerving, caused the van to start tipping over. In the chaos, Freddy’s foot kicked at a big red button on the dashboard, marked with a clown face. Said button activated the explosives inside the mounted clown head, which Jason and the Chicken were hanging onto for dear life. The quick thinking Chicken tied his chain to Jason’s leg and threw it beneath one of the tyres. Jason’s pressure prevented the missile from blasting off, instead exploding where it was, and the shockwave sent the van rolling along until it plunged into a nearby lake.
Inside the van, climbing out through the windscreen wasn’t an option between the jagged glass and water pouring in through it. Freddy was pulling on the door handle to try and get out without success.
“Let me try.” Needles growled irritably, yanking Freddy away. He was too harsh in doing so, and the door handle snapped away in Freddy’s hand.
“Now look what you’ve done!” Freddy glubbed through the water, as Needles had just consigned the two to a watery grave, trapped in their sinking steel coffin.
The Giant Chicken was luckier. He had been thrown off when the vehicle crashed, and had landed on a wooden jetty on the water’s edge. He was injured and exhausted, so he would lie where he was for a few minutes to catch his breath. The Chicken had underestimated his foes, as with one last burst of strength, Jason burst through the bottom of the jetty and grabbed the Chicken just before the Sweet Tooth van pulled him under. The least Jason could do was take the one who had sent him to the depths with him.


·         Mileena receives a hatchet from Skeletor. The accompanying note reads “It is important to attain mastery of multiple styles to confound the expectations of your foes. Nyeh!”

8 Tributes Remain

Next Time: Will President Snow and Amanda Waller’s coup succeed? Will Skeletor and Mileena’s faction triumph? Or will lone wolf Doctor Nefarious eradicate the squishies (and the T1000)? The winner of the Hunger Games will be crowned next time! Don’t miss it!

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